Bill Lord

Chaplain Lord served as the 1st BN 12th CAV (Airborne) Battalion Chaplain in the Ia Drang in 1966.  Pictured here baptizing an unknown service member in the Ia Drang River. Photo copyright of Mike Weiss

William Johnson

Photo sent in by his brother, Paul. William was in B/1/7 under CPT Herren. He currently lives in Owen, Wisconsin

Tone Johnson Jr

Present: COL Tone Johnson Jr. TXARNG, 49th Armor Division, Division Surgeon During the Ia Drang, COL Johnson was SPC Tone Johnson and a member of 2/7 CAV

Shadden and Bembry

James Shadden (left) and Snyder Bembry D/2/7 CAV at Xray 11/17/65. Bembry was KIA later that day, and Shadden was severely wounded.

Salvatore Fantino

PFC Salvatore Fantino, with the bugle Rescorla’s platoon captured at Xray

Roy L. Ryse, Jr

Killed in Action Nov 17, 1965 Private First Class C Company, 2nd Bn, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division Photo contributed by Jerry Miles

Ron Sleeis

Sgt. Ronald G. Sleeis was with HHC, 3rd Brigade at the Cateka tea plantation during the Ia Drang Campaign. Commo Platoon Photo by Ron Sleeis

Robert Taft

KIA 11/14/65; Xray – was the first casualty in the fight for the dry creekbed (Army Photo)