Landing Zone Xray – Day 2

C Company's trial by fireBefore dawn, Moore orders his company commanders to meet him before an attack to rescue the still-cut-off platoon. Before this meeting, the PAVN launches a heavy attack, shattering the early-morning stillness like a huge explosion. The 7th Bn, 66th Regiment, and the H-15 Main Force Viet Cong Bn carried out the attack.

C Company of the Cavalry Battalion bears the brunt of the assault and is soon involved in hand-to-hand combat. The right portion of D/1/7 is also struck. The code word “Broken Arrow” is sent out over the radio by the Battalion Forward Air Controller. Within minutes, all available fighter bombers in South Vietnam are headed for X-ray to render close air support to “an American unit in grave danger of being overrun.”

A 3-hour battle that featured non-stop 105mm artillery (8″ artillery also participated), aerial rockets, and determined American Infantrymen resulted in Charlie Company holding its ground in a stunning display of personal courage and unit discipline. But it pays a terrible price – no officers left and only 49 men unhurt. 42 officers and men killed; 20 wounded. Scores of slain North Vietnamese and their weapons litter the bloody battleground.

Artillery fires from Lz Falcon
Artillery fires from Lz Falcon

“An as their firin’ dies away, the ‘usky wisper runs, from lips that ‘aven’t drunk all day.
The guns! Thank Gawd, the guns!”
– Rudyard Kipling

At noon, the 2nd Bn, 5th Cavalry marches into X-ray from a landing zone 2 miles east. Joining with the 7th Cavalry parent company of the cut-off platoon, it continues out unopposed, rescues it, and brings it back with all wounded and dead. Of the 29-man platoon, 9 were killed and 13 wounded. When reached, the platoon, which had lost its Platoon leader, Platoon Sgt, and one Squad leader killed, had ammo left to fight with under the leadership of a three stripe “Buck Sergeant” Squad Leader (SGT Savage).

C Co 1/7 Cav survivors are replaced on the line by the fresh B Co 2nd Bn, 7th Cavalry. The battalion forms a strong perimeter and prepares for more action at night. All American dead and wounded are evacuated.

Situation at 0630
Situation at 0630
Situation at 2000 hrs
Situation at 2000 hrs
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